SATYAM 2004 TEST at PESIT, Bangalore
15 q's in 30 mins
All Aptitude
1. get the correct arrangment of sentences.
i. This is.
ii.This is sentence with 4 references.
iii.This is to say that this sentence is a lonf sentence.
iv.This is not the last sentence of the paragraph.
v. The previous sentence to this is the longest sentence.
vi.This is first sentence of last paragraph.
vii.This refers to last sentence.
There were 2 more sentncs similar 2 this. For the correct soln look at the answers & get it. By lookin at the stmts u wont get anythin.
2. Somethin bout _a's,ii b's,ii c's.......i didnt get the question.
3. A third of this value is 1/2. What is the value.
Ans: 3/2
4. How to measure 4 l by using 5 l & 3 l vessels only.
Choices were 5 l - 520254 3 l - 032.....u will get it by lookin at answers.
5. there are 6 somethins...lets call it cups...holding 19,14,21,35,10,8 nails each. Joe and Jack bought 5 of them with Jack buying twice number of nails than Joe. How much did they buy.
Ans: Jack-21,35,10 Joe-19,14 U can get it by lookin at ans(again). Easy.
6. Truck is travellin at 60 kmph. Wat rate should car travel to be ahead of truck for 2 mins.
Choices were 72, 66.8, 90,.... Me thinks its 66.8. Not sure.
7. Ther are 10 red balls,6 white and 5 blue. How many balls should i pick to make sure that i have atleast 1 of each.
8. A horribly phrased & really long question bout base 3....If u do get it attempt it only if time permits.
9.Next 4 Very very easy.
Old code
BLUE SKY (or somethin)....most of my qs r not xact
1234 567
New Code
123 4567
A company initially had a code for keepin price secret(god knows why)....dat was old code. They felt it was time 2 change & adopted to new code.
Q: If LKY was old code...wat is correspondin new code
10. Refer above for a similar q
11.Again from the 8th one....somethin bout letters repeatin themselves.
12. If SUE was in old code & was overlooked during new code....wat will the price be if salesman does not change code. Again refer 8.
from 4 mostly can score easily.
13. There are 1 way routes from A to G, Mto H, A to F....(A, G etc are given as some place)
Which is the shortest route from A to F.
Ans: U dont even have to draw a graph. Just look at q & ans is urs.
14. A Fence was being erected by Jatin. The poles were to be 5 ft apart, but as Jatin(the fool that he is) forgot to bring 4 poles, he erected them 7 ft apart. The q is how much distance was the fence to cover.
Choice: 70 ft 92 ft 100 ft 75 ft....Ans: 70 ft.
15. A friend of my, a teacher, lives in a house. When i asked her address she told me that she lived in a street where her side had the houses marked successively with consecutive even house numbers. She told me that the block of 6 houses near her house on the same side had a total of the house numbers as 8790 & that her house had the lowest number among them. Wat was the number of her house.
Another easy one.
Following this was a gd. There were 5 topics
1. US war on iraq-justified or not.
2. Role of UN in peacekeeping.
3. Position of Women in India compared to other nations.
4. Environment MAnagement.
5. Is China better than India in software.
Ppl appearin for test: 828
PPl selected for gd: 300
Ppl selected for interviews: 142
Some of the questions which i remember n the procedure
is given below:
First of all a quantitative test is there..
15 ques were there.
ques were like these..i forgot exact wording but this
will definetly give u some idea.
1. a- this is first sentence of
b- this sentence follow second sentence
c- this sentence shows that this is logest among
all the sentences
d- ____
e- ____
f- this sentence is last sentence of the paragrahph
now arrange the above self descriptive sentences to
form a paragraph.
2. there are this many numbers of i.___ a's, ii 1 b ,
iii ___ c's, iv i d's, v __ e's, vi __ f's, vii __
g's, viii___ h's, ix ___ i's in this sentence.
( all the numbers are in roman numerals )
ans- so u have to count number of a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i
in the sentence simple.
e.g there are iii number of 'a' in the whole
remeber as u right iii a's u have added three i's so
number of i's will increase in this way.
3. some xyz has to fence his field , he planned to do
it by putting the fences 5 ft apart, but when he
actually started putting fences he found that he has
got 4 no. of pole less so he put them 7ft apart to
cover the whole boundary.
what is the total length of the boundary to be
ans: 5x = 7(x-4)
x=14 .... implies boundary = 14x 5 = 70 ft
there r some code given for some company.
4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 0 9
1 2 3 9 0 6 7 8 5 4
four ques based on it.. which can be simple solved
by comparing alphabets to their corresponding
e.g if code was PQR what is the cost according to
the new code if code is chaged to XCV.. that's it.
5. one speed distance question.( i forgot it).
6. if there r five students ( A B C D E ) who can
comunicate through emails.. then some routes r given
like A- B
A - E
B - D
que is to find how can B comunicate with c in min
number of stoppages.( remebr if ther is direct route
from b to c then that is not the one with min
stoppage. min means atleast one, so don't consider as
direct from b to c)
7. onne was like that there r certain number wroitten
to the base 3 ... then to identify some relations
between no..
it was a question with 4 subparts n full page
question. as 15 ques has to be done in 30 mins . so
better leave such long ques .. as they can't be solved
in less then 1.5 mins.
rest i don't rember , but were very simple.
This was followed by GD.
Topics were...
1. is indian hockey team lymping.
2. is US bombing on iraq justified.
3. can china excede india in IT industry
4. environmental management .
1) 2 nos: , LCM=693 , GCM=11 one no: 77 find the other ?
ans: 99
2) 5 children,youngest 3yrs old and no 2 children hve the same age ,sum of their age is 26.Find the age of eldest.
3)second no: is twice the first no: and first no: is thrice the third no:.Their avg is 20.
Find the greatest no:
ans: 36
4)RS232 cable - bit transfer rate ?
5) If CPU wants to stop the IO process and continue with main processing ,then which device it uses :
Control Unit,IO Divertor,Channel Divertor,None
6)connnecting 2 diff networks :
ans: Gateway
Hurray I got into SATYAM.
Peers I am harsha here ,a 2003 batch- telecom fresher
. I attended the SATYAM test on November 1st .the
venue of the test was PESIT College , Bangalore.
Then I will thank you guys. Many people gave the info
about the recruitment. Many gave previous papers. Many
more gave the test papers after they wrote the test.
Last but not least , SURENDRA reddy sir. He was always
a source of inspiration to me. Whenever I feel
depressed about not getting a job , I would read the
sayings which he would send . that helped me a lot
even when a bad time was going.
CHETANA madam give me oppertunities , you peers gave
me information and Surendra sir - he is my guru who
gave me additional strength.
Peers don't think I got a lot of opportunities to
write the test . I have written only 5 tests in last 4
months. I roamed , went to almost every company ,
dropped hardcopy of my resume . I applied to whatever
id I got from the group. Even then only 5 companies
thought I was eligible for (atleast) test.
INFOSYS written test failed
ORACLE written test failed
HUGHES written test failed
SASKEN written test failed
SATYAM passed the written test , GD & tech and HR
Don't get disheartened if you have not got jobs yet .
I heard that NOV-2-MARCH is the peak recruitment time
for all companies. I wrote INFOSYS test when I was in
8th sem. I wrote ORACLE & SASEN 18th OCTOBER . I wrote
i would wish you all "best of luck" and i will hope
that each one of us would be placed within
I have not got the offer letter , reporting venue yet.
any body from bangalore who have got selected to
SATYAM. please get in touch with me. please yaar.
I will be sending my SATYAM mail-id and also the
SATYAM EMPLOYEE ID no when i get them.
If there is a recruitment in our(hurray) Company
through referreal , you can use my no.
15 questions - 30 minutes.
Old papers wont help. This is a new set of paper. But
read that also. They gave different papers for
different batches.
I am giving my paper.
2.sam , sue & sally stayed in the same road. Their
house nos are in between 1-99. They are not living in
consecutive houses.
Sue asked sam "is your house no a square" and "is it
greater than 50". He answered 2nd question correctly.
but she thought he had answered all questions
correctly, and went to a wrong address.
Sally asked sam "is your house no a cube" and "is it
greater than 25". He answered 2nd question correctly.
but she thought he had answered all questions
correctly, and went to a wrong address.
What is the house no of SAM , SUE and SALLY.
ANS:sam 55, Sue 81 and Sally 64
3.camel staying across the 1000-mile desert. It grows
3000 bananas. It eats 1 banana each mile.if it has to
asle these bananas. It has to cross the 1000-mile
desert . it can carry 1000 bananas each time. Then how
many bananas would it sale.
4.probability problem
5. R,T, P, R , N , P , _?
6 52,51,48,43,34,27,18
this sequence is wrong . could you tell because of
which no it is going wrong.
Ans: 34
7. > means add , = means equal to , % means multiply.
Like this many more
which expression is right. They had given 4
8.if he wears cap, then no slippers. If he wears
slippers then no glasses. If not true neither he is
wearing slippers or CAP, then he wars PYJAMAS. He has
worn glass , then is he wearing PYJAMAS.
9.they had given 10 secentences giving 10 conditions.
5 students have to get appointment with a PROFESSOR.
What is the order in which they meet.
10.get the no of triangles from the given figure
11.problem on graphs, data management
13. 82 , 97, 114, 133 , _?
Ans : 154
sorry , I could not remember all questions . I have
given the questions in my words. But the contents were
My GD topic was "Should SONIA gandhi be made the PM" .
our group said a unanimous NO. 4 guys from our group
got selected for interview.
I collected other GD topics from other friends
1. Should SONIA gandhi be made the PM
2. BPOs in INDIA
3. Govt contribution to IT
4. will punch lines rule the Advt
5. prematial sex
6. is china a threat to indian industry
7. india or west , which is the land of oppertunities
8. water resources should be nationalised
5 minutes-tech. He asked me about my project
10minutes 10 HR- too many personal questions
* Written test: 15-qustion. 1-mark for right answer, 1/4 minus for every wrong answer.
I don't remember the questions exactly, but let me tell you.
1> e o e r e.... which is the next letter
2> A ship has a ladder which has 6 rungs. The first rung is 1 ft. above water. If tide rises 1 ft for every 15 min. How many rungs will be under water after 1 hr.
3> Red, blak hat like questions which requires damn horrible patince ton look in to the root of the problem and come up with answer. It was
from george summers.
4>Who is the billionaire among henry,everet..... Almost same question which was asked in infosys october 12th test.
5> mango, orange problem.... basically from R.S.Agrawal book.
6> Two qustions from CAT logical reasoning. The ones having 4 figures, we have to find the fifth. I was well prepared in that type. Most of the people got eliminated in these kind of problems only. One should be very carefull while answering such qeustions, b'coz you will find 2 figures which may look like right answers, but only one has the exact relationship with the previous 4 figures. So, you should be carefull in choosing such answers. I got them right.
7> Most of the rest were like george summers things, but modified perfectly. Like one of them tell you the exact truth, one sometimes tell you the truth, one lies. So, startr with which you see as wrong first. In my case I started with the thing which most others thought it to be wrong. I wrote that as answer. I got it right.
8> A nawab gets out at a railway station 2 earlier to his scheduled arrival. He walks at 3mph speed. At the same time, when he left railway station a cab left his house so as to reach the station just on time. He is walking towards his house. He got his cab on the way and reched his house 1 hr before what everybody thought it as his scheduled arrival. What is the distance between his house and railway station?
It is a very tricky railway station problem. Try to solve it. I will tell you the answer later.
* GROUP Discussion:
1> Environmental pollution whose responsibility is it? {topic given to me}
2> Computer is a female or male?
I remember only this much. One should have a good command over the language and the people around, then only he/she will be selected.
* HR-Tech interview:
 It consists of HR-TEch both. A HR person and a tech engineer will be sitting together. Such 6 groups will be there. So, one need not wait for more. He/she may get any of these group. In tech interview tey will ask only about our project. Thatz very easy. simultaneously HR person will interfere{if you are cruising smoothly in tech. , as in my case}and he is the person who will put you under sea. You will feel like a fish put on road from water. It seems I did that one also perfectly. But, I should have put my percentage as 75+ in the resume which they provide there. They provide there own resume. So, I lost there in HR-Tech thing.
Few questions like:
" What is so special about software engineers?"
" If I give you a pen and make you to stand on top of this building and tell you too calculate the total height of this building how will you do it?"
" Tell me about your personal life"{ probably here also I failed. I told about my family and myself. I should has stressed more on my records"
1. one question on the coding simple one..
A) u B)r C) e D) s e) none
2. one question on figures...four fig ..are given what is next fig???
3. Similarly one more question...
4. given 6 persons having some RSxxx/- arrange the order with respect to money(8 lines Q)
5. Regarding ages one question
6. Given RS 140 how u will share the some thing like that...I don't remember...
7. Some relations given find the order...(some 7 lines questions)
8. work-time problem given...he given A work in 6 days B work in 8 days C work in 10 days....he given A leaves after 8 days ....some thing like that
9. he will give some sentences..Arrange the order like that one question
10. one big question just leave it ( wast of time)
1) For this question take
Edwin is a judge and a numerologist.He is married to
a woman whose name:
a) has a "product" that is the same as that for
JUDGE:using the correspondence of letters and numbers
above, this product is 10*21*4*7*5.
b)has no letter in common with JUDGE.
c)Has no third letter of the alphabet because 3 is his
unlucky number.
d)Has letters in alphabetical order when the first
letter and second letter are interchanged.
What is the name of the judge's wife?
2) The owner of the house has been murdered. The
visitors to the mansion were Allen,bixby and Crain.
a) The murderer ,who was one of the three visitors
,arrived at the mansion later than atleast one of the
other two visitors.
b)A detective,who was one of the three
visitors,arrived at the mansion earlier than atleast
one of the other two visitors
c)The detective arrived at the mansion at midnight.
d)Neither Allen nor Bixby arrive at the mansion after
e)the earlier arriver of Bixby and crain wasnot the
f)the later arriver of allen and crain was not the
Who was the murderer?
3) some farm tools and farm equipments have been
stolen..3 farm workers were interrogated..Each one
makes 2 statements.(i dont remember the statements)One
of the statements made by each of them is right while
the other is wrong. We have to tell who stole them.
4) There is 4-digit number..the second digit is 2 more
than the first..the last digit is five more than the
third..something like is very simple..jus
have to go from the choices given..
Each of seven digits from 0,1,2,3...8,9 is :
a) represented by a different letter in the figure
b) positioned in the figure above so that A*B*C, B*G*E
and D*E*F are equal.
Which digit does G represent?
6) Given the names of four persons..and also given
that one is taller than the other but shorter than
someone else..statements like these..we have to find
who is the shortest..
7) A man is walking inside the tunnel AB. when he is
3/8th of the distance from A, he hears a train coming
from behind him..he sees that when he moves towards B,
the train just catches him at B, and similar logic if
he tried to reach A..the man walks at a steady rate of
8m/h..what is the speed of the train?
8)Fifty minutes ago if it was four times as many
minutes past four o clock, how many minutes is it to
six o clock?
9) a simple problem related to ages..
10) There are 5 dacoits who have together stolen some
gold coins..they stay at a place for the night hiding
the bounty safely...When evreyone's asleep, one of the
dacoits wakes up, takes 1/5th of the bounty plus one
for himself..the rest he puts back in the bag and goes
to sleep..the next dacoit wakes up, does the same
thing,ie takes 1/5th of the remaining bounty plus one
for himself, puts the rest back and goes to sleep..the
third,fourth and fifth dacoits do the same
the morning, they all wake up and divide the bounty
equally among may coins were there
originally? The key to this question is to proceed
from the options..see which number leaves a remainder
1 when divided by 5 four times continuously and the
fifth time divides it exactly.
The rest 5 quests i dont remember....Quests 1,2 and 5
have been lifted straight out of Puzzles' by George
Summers..8 is from Shakuntala Devi..
Dont attempt the questions u r not confident of..
The GD round is said to be the Main elimination round
in Satyam..The topic we were given was "US war on
Iraq"..Some other topics could be "environmental
pollution", "Indian Hockey" etc.
The interview consisted of both technical and HR
questions..Expect questions from ur project..and brush
up the subjects in ur major..
CSE- majors were asked on DBMS, a bit of networking,
Object Orientation concepts.etc..
Monday, September 8, 2008
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